
See attachment for the registrationdocument.
Please sent your registration for your participants directly to the Netherlands Boxerclub: Henry Beuks, mobile +31 620324198
All tracking fields will be grass!!! (Fährtengelände alle Stufen ist Wiese!)
Training the days before the WM takes place, is only allowed and possible after appointment with the local organizer: Hans Schiltkamp mobile +31628251169 (or go to the club at: Wisseldijk 5, 7831 VG Nieuw-Weerdinge). They will show you the fields especially reserved for trainingpurposes!
As all trackingfields are really very very close to the local club going without appointment unaccompanied by someone from the local organization into the fields by yourself in the surroundings of Nieuw-Weerdinge for training is strictly forbidden. You will ruin the WM for all other competitors going into the WM fields!
Participants that get caught going into fields for training without appointment and permission of the local club will be excluded from starting at the WM
Simple cheap meals will be available on Thursday and Friday at the club.


Best Regards, 
Atibox General Secretariat 