Atibox World Show Sweden May 2018, Ribersborg, Malmö
Results by Gender, Colour and Class
Male Brindle
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
43 | Very Promising | 1 | Kaal Vom Kaiserfelsen | Salajean, Vasile / Stoboran, Florin Str. Tineretului, Nr.18, Turda Romania |
42 | Very Promising | 2 | Horus Von Manitoy | Marek, Tomasz / Marek, Tomasz Markt Schwaben Germany |
44 | Very Promising | 3 | Narciso del Rolanus | Crosa, Edoardo E Roberto Rondissone To Italy |
41 | Very Promising | 4 | Amos V. Disaronno | Johansen, Vidar / Andersen, Knut Fredrikstad Norway |
39 | Very Promising | Ago V. Disaronno | Andersen, Catrine Mosjøen Norway | |
40 | Very Promising | Amore V. Disaronno | Wanda Fürst-Salvesen Fredrikstad Norway | |
46 | Very Promising | Ural Del Cuore Grande | Belen Vina Sanz, Maria Asturias Spain | |
45 | Cancelled | Amore V. Disaronno | First Salvesen, Wanda Tvedestrand Norway | |
Judge: Tetyana Bilorus |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
47 | Very Promising | 1 | Birkeboxer Ulm | Stålesen, Line 4200 Norway |
49 | Very Promising | 2 | Diamond Millennium Star Vanbox | Peter, Kusy Sokolovce Slovakia |
52 | Very Promising | 3 | Leéh-Box Baldomero | Gombos, Zsolt Debrecen Hungary |
54 | Very Promising | 4 | Noah Silver Spirit | Lorich, Marie Marieholm Sweden |
48 | Very Promising | Boxsanuk Arran | Tweddell, Mark England United Kingdom | |
50 | Very Promising | Florramitz Gerilo Caracatus | Hedberg, Barbro Enköping Sweden | |
51 | Very Promising | Intense's Spiderman | Sjöberg, Inger / Jonsson, Stefan Borlänge Sweden | |
53 | Cancelled | Leeh-Box Boreas | Breakspear, Christine / Breakspear, Christine Highworth Hungary | |
Judge: Tetyana Bilorus |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
112 | Exc & CQ | 1 | Winbergs Twist And Shout | Axelsson Svancar, Maja Torshälla Sweden |
107 | Exc & CQ | 2 | Hausse Heavy | Bengtsson Sjösten, Alexandra / Rasmussen, Jens Malmö Sweden |
105 | Excellent | 3 | Enrica's Boxer Claus | Mori, Enus Massa Carrara Italy |
111 | Excellent | 4 | Teck Del Cuore Grande | Joksic, Mica 96 Serbia |
110 | Excellent | Nock-Out Vom Schloss Arolsen | Lohmann, Inessa Bad Arolsen Germany | |
106 | Very Good | Eric Von Nirvalis | Reulen, R. / Reulen, J.e. Schoonrewoerd Netherlands | |
108 | Very Good | Marchill's Armangac | Björk, Pernilla / Björk, Pernilla Nedervetil Finland | |
104 | Good | Emerson Von Nirvalis | Ullrich, Erich & Dr. Gabi Rödelsee Germany | |
103 | Cancelled | Black Jack Von Radula Hause | Beljanski, Igor Novi Sad Serbia | |
109 | Cancelled | Nestor Edmontonia | Kąkol, Janusz Chotomów Poland | |
113 | Cancelled | Xolomon Di Casa Vernice | Di Casa Vernice, Allevamento Roma Italy | |
Judge: Wenche Eikeseth |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
ATIBOX Junior World Winner - Male Brindle | ||||
126 | Exc & CQ | 1 | Val De Istr Aquamarine | Beznosikova, Natalia Moscow, Ul.vasiltsovsky Stan 5-2-220 Russian Federation |
120 | Exc & CQ | 2 | Neal Del Rolanus | Toledo, Dino Campobello Di Licata Ag Italy |
123 | Exc & CQ | 3 | Prokofiev Nostrum | Andrianova, Liudmila Rota Spain |
122 | Excellent | 4 | Piano Suum Cuique | Gabrielsson, Hannah Olofstorp Sweden |
119 | Excellent | Marlon Di Casa Bartolini | Bartolini, Stefano Ponsacco (Pi) Italy | |
124 | Excellent | Quote Fan Optica State | Van Der Veen, Onno Peter Warten Netherlands | |
125 | Excellent | Ryan Dell'espinosolo | De Nicola, Giuseppe 06132 Italy | |
114 | Very Good | Berrypets Remington Derringer | Karik, Kätlin Tallinn Estonia | |
117 | Very Good | Madito Vom Buldergeist | Heyde, Lotte Asaa Denmark | |
118 | Very Good | Maksim Vd Burg Singidunum | Gruban, Zeljko / Nott, Ilse Langen Serbia | |
115 | Cancelled | Come To Stay Vanbox | Titova, Elena Rostov Na Donu Slovakia | |
116 | Cancelled | Harald De Ius Natura | Csukk, Michelle Sarajevo Spain | |
121 | Cancelled | Noerklit's Driss | Nygaard, Janne Mariager Denmark | |
Judge: Wenche Eikeseth |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
434 | Exc & CQ | 1 | Uxtreme Spalenice | Reichbauer, Jan / Vanochova, Kristina Senkvice Slovakia |
427 | Exc & CQ | 2 | Italiano Vero Di Casa Vernice | Borokhov, Jevgeniy / Siigur, Margit Tokoreva12-95 Russian Federation |
424 | Excellent | 3 | Cameron Il Destino Del Principe | Xynadas, Dimitrios Sialvera 16, Kozani Greece |
426 | Excellent | 4 | Duke Henry Vom Drachenstich | Swaine-Rupp, Richard / Swaine-Rupp, Romy Wiesbaden Germany |
422 | Excellent | Birkeboxer Quince | Carlsson, Ingeborg / Brynildsen, Jørn Halden Norway | |
423 | Excellent | Buster Vom Bebertal | Wolter, Maik Einbeck Germany | |
425 | Excellent | Cerberus Il Destino Del Principe | Olesen-Nørklit, Ida / Olesen-Nørklit, Kåre Klippinge Denmark | |
428 | Excellent | Karthago Von Der Martinshöhe | Moritz, Petra Dahlen Germany | |
431 | Excellent | Prince Primo Van Krato's Hof | De Mol, Erik Asse Belgium | |
433 | Excellent | Shoestring's Inna's Popcorn | Wollin, Marie Louise Solna Sweden | |
435 | Excellent | Yanwar Vom Hause Bresicke | Weigand-Münzel, Ute Markranstädt Germany | |
421 | Very Good | Aldo Di Casa Bartolini | Caroli, Paola Viale Baccarini 33 Faenza Italy | |
429 | Very Good | Lar'arete Eremey | Kempi, Elena Sredneokhtinsky D42\1 Kv 19 Russian Federation | |
430 | Very Good | Matcho Matcho Man De La Cite Des Leuques | Leroy, Anais / Leroy, Renaud Abaucourt Sur Seille France | |
432 | Very Good | Royal Angels Crobox Bacchus Jr. | Winger, Kersti Tofte Norway | |
Judge: Ingrid Anderson |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
446 | Exc & CQ | 1 | Kyoto Di Stelacostea | Firrigno, Giovanni / Firrigno, Giovanni Ribera (Ag) Italy |
458 | Exc & CQ | 2 | Xavi Torques | Wolff, Sascha Dortmund Germany |
459 | Exc & CQ | 3 | Ytrium Vom Kaiserfelsen | Stoboran, Florin Oradea Romania |
440 | Exc & CQ | 4 | Engelaiz Breeze | Antonsson, Linda Nödinge Sweden |
436 | Exc & CQ | Box Von De Atlético Di Matteo | Jartoft, Anne Langskov Nexø Denmark | |
441 | Excellent | Handlers Nougat | Ramberg, Kerstin / Carlsson, Marcus Lit Sweden | |
442 | Excellent | Hilda Hummelbos Abraham Darby | Tibbelin, Malin / Kemp, Clinton Malmö Sweden | |
443 | Excellent | Hjälm’s Alexander Ovechkin | Andersson, Anna / Andersson, Andreas Värmdö Sweden | |
444 | Excellent | I'm A Star D'anteikan | Fernandes, Paulo Durrenroth Portugal | |
448 | Excellent | Maranello Del Paradiso Marino | Beuserie, David Dergneau France | |
450 | Excellent | Nils av Boxerhuset | Robertsen, Tone Skjetten Norway | |
451 | Excellent | Nirvana Dei Trieste & Victoria | Brega, Desiree / Desiree, Brega Magliano In Toscana Italy | |
453 | Excellent | Noerklit's Al Pacino | Vesterdahl, Peter Pederskervejen 14 Denmark | |
454 | Excellent | Paco De Boxer's Villa Ceciliás | Boxer De Villa Astur, Boxer De Villa Astur Aviles Spain | |
455 | Excellent | Rus La Fler Shakespeare | Vlasova, Marina St. Petersburg, Dimitrova, 104-20 Russian Federation | |
456 | Excellent | Sangreal Box Nolan | Csia??????, Gabriella Göd Hungary | |
457 | Excellent | Timur Indiansky Brloh | Kuzma, Ladislav Vranov Nad Toplou Slovakia | |
439 | Very Good | Dejoyas Bombastic Balthazar | Lennstrand, Irene Vårgårda Sweden | |
447 | Very Good | Leroy Du Royaume De Sky | Guillaume, Ladet Servian France | |
449 | Very Good | Michelangelo Dei Cavalieri Templari | Johansson, Lotta / Johansson, Lotta Ingarö Sweden | |
452 | Very Good | Njord Av Boxerhuset | Haraldsø, Nina / Giertsen, Tom Sandnessjøen Norway | |
438 | Good | Cello Von Poptime | Wittmer, Kurt Gudo Switzerland | |
445 | Good | Korad Mysslingens Haribo | Björkqvist, Carl Björklinge Sweden | |
437 | Cancelled | Byron | Manguzzi, Christian Bomporto (Mo) Italy | |
Judge: Ingrid Anderson |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
Swedish Challenge Certificate - Male Brindle, ATIBOX World Winner - Male Brindle | ||||
231 | Exc & CQ | 1 | Action Vom Katterforst | De Biase, Luigi Suzzara Germany |
234 | Exc & CQ | 2 | Bianconero Vom Kaiserfelsen | Antonio, Garrido Carmona Spain |
239 | Exc & CQ | 3 | Enzo-Ferrari Von Chakira | Köhler, Ulrike / Köhler, Ulrike Velbert Germany |
233 | Exc & CQ | 4 | Arko De Rincomar | Stoboran, Florin Oradea Romania |
235 | Exc & CQ | Bozzz Von Ellinghaus | Underberg Lie, Harald Askim Norway | |
236 | Exc & CQ | Defender Von Agadem, Ipo3 | Bresicke, Jörg Wiedemar Ot Doberstau Germany | |
238 | Exc & CQ | Engelaiz Coutinho | Karlsson, Anna Gränna Sweden | |
240 | Exc & CQ | Ferrari Di Casa Vernice | Abrakimov, Shamil Moscow Russian Federation | |
241 | Exc & CQ | Filo Dei Malavoglia | Di Giorgio, Andrea / Di Giorgio, Andrea Siracusa Italy | |
243 | Exc & CQ | Messi Kronebox | Cacek, Jan Čebín Czech Republic | |
244 | Exc & CQ | Roberto Del Ius Natura | Wilhelm, Berthold Einhausen Germany | |
237 | Excellent | Dog Of The Bay's Urban | Giltay, Barbara Goor Netherlands | |
242 | Excellent | Iban Del Rolanus | Schofield, Carol Alicante Spain | |
232 | Cancelled | Aidan De Villalcor | Jose Luis, Ruiz Sanchez El Viso Del Alcor Spain | |
Judge: Mathias Wolf |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
Swedish Challenge Certificate Reserve - Male Brindle, ATIBOX Reserve World Winner - Male Brindle | ||||
250 | Exc & CQ | 1 | Hashish Von Jess-Box | Lemmer, Torsten / Leanerts, Edwin Sofia Poland |
248 | Exc & CQ | 2 | Casaro De La Forzandanza | Guimoye Frias, Ricardo Cuenca Italy |
254 | Exc & CQ | 3 | Leonardo V. D. Munzenburg | Crosa, Edoardo Rondissone To Italy |
259 | Exc & CQ | 4 | X-Men Vom Hause Bresicke | Schiller, Sandra Weißenfels Germany |
245 | Exc & CQ | Araglas Von Helms Klamm | Bresicke, Sarah Leuna Ot Friedensdorf Germany | |
246 | Exc & CQ | Blauazzuro Vom Kaiserfelsen | Stoboran, Florin Oradea Romania | |
247 | Exc & CQ | Boxers Bonito Rocky | Farevåg, Nina / Bekke, Morgan Iveland Norway | |
249 | Exc & CQ | Cosmo Di Casa Bartolini | Bartolini, Stefano Ponsacco (Pi) Italy | |
253 | Exc & CQ | Isidore De L'ecluse De Penthievre | Delattre, Christine Saint Remy La Vanne France | |
256 | Exc & CQ | Sirius Vom Hause Bresicke | Herrbach, Anja / Herrbach, Hendrik Chemnitz Germany | |
257 | Exc & CQ | Swedbox X-It | Dahlgren, Harry Kungsbacka Sweden | |
258 | Exc & CQ | The Roligans Escobar | Steffen Larsen, Gina / Christiansen, Mike Faxe Denmark | |
251 | Excellent | Hearts Of Hope’S Ne-Yo | Sørensen, Line Jystrup Denmark | |
252 | Cancelled | Hotbox Nice Mr Robin | Halvorsen, Tore Bodø Norway | |
255 | Cancelled | Lord Du Mas De Loriol | Fasan, Colette / Fasan, Colette Savenes France | |
Judge: Mathias Wolf |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
461 | Exc & CQ | 1 | Fiorano Vom Kaiserfelsen | Stoboran, Florin Oradea Romania |
462 | Exc & CQ | 2 | Honeybox Future Dream | Vilborg, Sofi & Joel Brottby Sweden |
463 | Excellent | 3 | Isaac Del Ducato Di Parma | Alessandro, Dusi Rezzato-Bs Italy |
460 | Cancelled | Bosarawi's Gunvald Ca | Johansson, Camilla Ransta Sweden | |
464 | Cancelled | Teamwork Upp O Ner | Karlsson, Jeans Örebro Sweden | |
Judge: Ingrid Anderson |
Male Fawn
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
57 | Very Promising | 1 | One-Man-O-Ware | Lucente, Helena Roma Italy |
58 | Very Promising | 2 | Sat'elit Box Stormtrooper | Haugen, Arne John As Belarus |
56 | Very Promising | 3 | Mcrobs Toto Wolff | Mccurdy, Sharon Stranraer United Kingdom |
59 | Very Promising | 4 | The Roligans Hallow Murphy (Murphy) | Marsing, Jean 3100 Denmark |
55 | Promising | Jaleo De Villatoga | Wienholtz, Carina Nr Asmindrup Spain | |
Judge: Giuseppe Marco Nugnes |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
Best Puppy in Show | ||||
64 | Very Promising | 1 | Intense's Ironman | Rusticus, Izak Jan Boksum Sweden |
68 | Very Promising | 2 | T'ecco Optima Grata | Bjoernli, Sissel Gaasbakken Czech Republic |
67 | Very Promising | 3 | Otto | Paterno, Alessandro Italy Italy |
61 | Very Promising | 4 | Bruno Von Der Alten Hainbuche | Gorski, Kathrin Leipzig Germany |
62 | Very Promising | Hector Gymnema Sylvestre | Wilhelm, Andreas Mandelbachtal Germany | |
65 | Very Promising | Kronion's Jesse James | Winger, Kersti Tofte Norway | |
66 | Very Promising | Louwenki's Agassi | Nissen, Gitte Tønder Denmark | |
60 | Promising | Bebeboxer's Best Friends Forever | Jansen, Monica Kristiansand Norway | |
63 | Promising | Hugo Boss Gymnema Sylvestre | Goršić, Margareta Jurdani Croatia | |
Judge: Giuseppe Marco Nugnes |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
71 | Exc & CQ | 1 | Invictus De Azazelbox Kennel | Lavado Quintana, Fernando Valencia Spain |
69 | Exc & CQ | 2 | Cocoon's The Way It Is | Halkomäki, Maarit / Halkomäki, Maarit Nurmijärvi Finland |
76 | Exc & CQ | 3 | Terzo Del Cuore Grande | Santos Gonzalez, Moises Aviles -Asturias Spain |
79 | Exc & CQ | 4 | Xesto D'jandilla | Nelis-De Sloover, Kim & Lynn / Van Nelysol, Boxerkennel Aalter Spain |
73 | Excellent | Liberum Avis Pegas | Selivonek, Natalia Saint-Petersburg Russian Federation | |
78 | Excellent | Xanthus D'jandilla | Julián Merino, Juan Manuel Talavera La Real, Badajoz Spain | |
74 | Very Good | Neopolis Vom Schloß Arolsen | Klein, Ursula Sulzbach Germany | |
75 | Very Good | Paride Del Quarzo Nero | La Galia, Basilio Gioiosa Marea Me Italy | |
77 | Very Good | Themoni El Capo | Boomsma, Theo En Monique Leeuwarden Netherlands | |
70 | Cancelled | Ethan Del Silenzio Espressivo | Tundis, Andrea / Tundis, Andrea Cetraro Italy | |
72 | Cancelled | Jiao-Jiao's Flamenco | Lukic, Andrea Stanstorp Sweden | |
Judge: Tuula Seppälä |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
ATIBOX Junior World Winner - Male Fawn, Best Junior Male in Show, Best Junior in Show | ||||
96 | Exc & CQ | 1 | Romeo D'alan Box | De La Cruz, Alberto / De La Cruz, Alberto Galapagar Spain |
95 | Exc & CQ | 2 | Quinzio Dei Centurioni | Quaglierini, Paola Livorno Italy |
86 | Exc & CQ | 3 | Helios Della Cappastorta | Rikkilä, Anne / Pietilä, Sinikka Forssa Montenegro |
97 | Exc & CQ | 4 | Rus La Fler Capo Di Tutti Capi | Andrianova, Liudmila Rota Spain |
81 | Exc & CQ | Bouncyparade Aro | Lenaerts, E St. Andrews United Kingdom | |
87 | Exc & CQ | Hendrix V.d. Kroeze Danne | Van Der Helm, S. Rosmalen Netherlands | |
90 | Exc & CQ | Jandilla De Ius Natura | Martí Lobato, Albert Tarragona Spain | |
93 | Exc & CQ | Nicola Du Val D'europe | Cabeleira, Rogerio Viana Do Castelo Portugal | |
100 | Exc & CQ | Show Leader Inntouchable | Zawistowski, Adam / Sokolowa, Marina Osiek Nad Wisla Russian Federation | |
102 | Exc & CQ | Zodiac Sign Of Kellaney | Runge, Nicole Hollenstedt Germany | |
80 | Excellent | Aín Del Corazón De Espadán | Osuna Sanfeliu, Marc Onda (Castellón) Spain | |
83 | Excellent | Carlo D’Mirus Cane | De La Rosa Izquierdo, Alvaro Sevilla Spain | |
85 | Excellent | Gregory Peck Del Cuore Grande | Ristic, Tijana 15 Serbia | |
92 | Excellent | Jir-Pia Zeppelin | Boada, A+P Sant Jaume De Llierca Spain | |
94 | Excellent | Otto Rhodos-Hh | Auestad, Linn / Rudenstig, Jonas Trelleborg Sweden | |
99 | Excellent | Sat'elit Box Craft | Pryamilova, Anna Minsk Belarus | |
101 | Excellent | Tito Di Casa Vernice | Müller, Michael Lossatal Germany | |
82 | Very Good | Bouncyparade Monticarlo | Duncan, Jacquelyn Balmoral Road United Kingdom | |
88 | Very Good | Hjälm's Benny Guldfot (Onix) | Lindgren, Sofia / Jansson Åsberg, Olof Skars Sweden | |
89 | Very Good | Intense’s Red Star | Akterius, Per Torslanda Sweden | |
84 | Cancelled | Che Linse Vinci | Pedemonte, Gabriella Rosignano Solvay (Li) Italy | |
91 | Cancelled | Jir-Pia Emerald | Marek, Tomasz / Marek, Tomasz Markt Schwaben Germany | |
98 | Cancelled | Rus La Fler Capo Di Tutti Capi | Andrianova, Liudmila Rota Spain | |
Judge: Tuula Seppälä |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
471 | Exc & CQ | 1 | Indominus Topaz Gymnema Sylvestre | Trajkovski, Ana / Goršić, Margareta Jurdani Serbia |
473 | Exc & CQ | 2 | Kis-Bics Alex | Csontos, Árpád Karcag Hungary |
469 | Exc & CQ | 3 | Houdini Od Djevija | Puhakka, Krista / Puhakka, Krista Heinlahti Finland |
475 | Exc & CQ | 4 | Pepperwood Van Saphoe's Hoeve | Beuserie, David Dergneau Belgium |
465 | Exc & CQ | Agamenòn Of Troy By Siennabox | Bakker, Jan Vidar / Bakker, Jan-Vidar Torp Norway | |
468 | Exc & CQ | Hearts Of Hope's Thunderbird'55 | F.lund.jensen, Susanne Holstebro Denmark | |
470 | Exc & CQ | Iggy Pop Von Aisneren | Jauhiainen, Arja / Harju-Säntti, Mari Tuuri Finland | |
472 | Exc & CQ | Jir-Pia Rolex | Drake, Chris M. Fredensborg Denmark | |
474 | Exc & CQ | Liberty De Boxers De Chopard | Penzler, Bernd Einbeck Germany | |
476 | Exc & CQ | Puff Daddy Van Sapho's Hoeve | Selivonek, Natalia / Kartasheva, Anastasiia Saint-Petersburg Russian Federation | |
478 | Exc & CQ | Vintage Crome Boxer My Dream (Fci) | Szulc, Katarzyna Warszawa Poland | |
479 | Exc & CQ | Zeus Di Casa Bartolini | Bartolini, Stefano Ponsacco (Pi) Italy | |
467 | Excellent | Engelaiz Famous | Mild Ackrell, Anna Västervik Sweden | |
477 | Excellent | Twinbox Z's Bernado | Franzén, Berthold Norrköping Sweden | |
466 | Very Good | Coperfield Herkimer | Jakobsen, Ellen Nexø Denmark | |
Judge: Jozef Šuster |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
488 | Exc & CQ | 1 | Leviathan Z Ringu | Fagoš, Robert / Fagošová, Jana Strančice Czech Republic |
497 | Exc & CQ | 2 | Trevor Sanvita | Kravets, Anatoly Korduby,6-2 Ukraine |
498 | Exc & CQ | 3 | U'nikatin Pom Tastic | Dumitru, Diana Elena Tuusula Finland |
490 | Exc & CQ | 4 | Marcus De Toumaï | Delattre, Christine Saint Remy La Vanne France |
485 | Exc & CQ | Hausse Ferry | Malmgren, Andrea Rimbo Sweden | |
486 | Exc & CQ | Jacco Vavonabox | Van Duren, Rolf / Van Duren, Astrid Westervoort Netherlands | |
489 | Exc & CQ | Levonnes Tumbleweed | Norrby, Eva Lyrestad Sweden | |
491 | Exc & CQ | Mc Kinnon Del Rolanus | Bottero, Alessandra Remetschwil Switzerland | |
492 | Exc & CQ | Omega Van Hilarius | Lamers, Angela Haaksbergen Netherlands | |
493 | Exc & CQ | Patriot Sanvita | Tsilyna, Iryna / -, - Kiev Ukraine | |
495 | Exc & CQ | Teamwork Banana Joe | Krook, Malin Örebro Sweden | |
501 | Exc & CQ | Vudu Don It Boxer My Dream (Fci) | Chmurzyński, Tomasz Ożarów Mazowiecki Poland | |
502 | Exc & CQ | Zhen'lee Solvex | Zelenkov, Alexander Mo, Istrinskiy R-N, D.pavlovskoe,62 Russian Federation | |
481 | Excellent | Argento Del Colle Dell'infinito | Wendland, Simone Güstrow Germany | |
482 | Excellent | Bacardi | Mellgren, Mikaela Malmö Sweden | |
499 | Excellent | Vasi's Giogrio Amore Del Dio | Hesselink, J.d Finsterwolde Netherlands | |
480 | Very Good | Ardantes Imperial | Beznosikova, Natalia Moscow, Ul.vasiltsovsky Stan, 5-2-220 Russian Federation | |
484 | Very Good | Farickos Urax | Stolpe, Laila Bjuv Sweden | |
487 | Very Good | Kulsvigerkrogens Echinops | Pernille Jonasson, Pernille Jonasson / Søren Boldt Pedersen, Søren Boldt Pedersen Vallensbæk Strand Denmark | |
494 | Very Good | Quanto Del Tajo | Solyakin, Ivan Moscow Russian Federation | |
500 | Very Good | Vaya's Box Olle Goop | Benaerens, Thomas Berlare Belgium | |
483 | Cancelled | E2-Marx Jr. Triumph | Alexandru, Ciobanu Bucarest Romania | |
496 | Cancelled | Teamwork Blaze | Nilsson, Kerstin Ängelholm Sweden | |
Judge: Jozef Šuster |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
Swedish Challenge Certificate Reserve - Male Fawn, ATIBOX Reserve World Winner - Male Fawn | ||||
205 | Exc & CQ | 1 | Ozren Von Der Burg Singidunum | Curcic, Zoran Beograd Serbia |
210 | Exc & CQ | 2 | Ycs Del Ducato Di Parma | Di Parma, Del Ducato Parma Italy |
202 | Exc & CQ | 3 | Igor Du Val D'europe | Brunel, Alain Rocbaron France |
208 | Exc & CQ | 4 | Vito Del Monte De Ara | Wirth, Nadja / Wirth, Stephan Leuna Ot Friedensdorf Germany |
195 | Exc & CQ | Agostinelli De Ius Natura | Quesada, Juanjo / Slu, Ius Natura Tarragona Spain | |
196 | Exc & CQ | Capo Di Tutti Capi Bouncyparade | Conway, Caroline / Conway, Thomas Balmullo United Kingdom | |
197 | Exc & CQ | Egeo Del Valle Del Corneja | Gonzalez Martin, Maria Jesus Piedrahita Spain | |
199 | Exc & CQ | Eskador Vom Fischbachtal | Hangård, Bjarne / Hangård, Bjarne Kodal Norway | |
200 | Exc & CQ | Falka Jam Session | Jensen, John Støvring Denmark | |
203 | Exc & CQ | Maximo Del Rolanus | Bottero, Adriano Caselette (To) Italy | |
204 | Exc & CQ | No Limits To Me Di Casa Vernice | Vernice, David / Vernice, Di Casa Roma Italy | |
206 | Exc & CQ | Rus La Fler Arsenal | Sandor Bedö Túrkeve Jókai Street 44 Hungary | |
207 | Exc & CQ | Twinbox Valiant | Johansson, Torbjörn Ronneby Sweden | |
209 | Exc & CQ | Vito Vom Hause Bresicke | Möbus, Christian / Lazarus, Laura Königs Wusterhausen Germany | |
201 | Excellent | Gijs Oet Pleegste | Wiggers, Danny / Wiggers, Danny Raalte Netherlands | |
198 | Cancelled | Es Sagapo' | Vespoli, Giuseppina Sala Consilina (Sa) Italy | |
Judge: Alvaro Rios Izquierdo |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
Swedish Challenge Certificate - Male Fawn, ATIBOX World Winner - Male Fawn, Best Male in Show | ||||
225 | Exc & CQ | 1 | Sicario Rus La Fler | Andrianova, Liudmila / Lemmer, Torsten Rota-Cadiz Spain |
218 | Exc & CQ | 2 | Firework De Porto Village | Sottomayor, Ana Porto Portugal |
226 | Exc & CQ | 3 | Skilos Del Quarzo Nero | La Galia, Basilio Gioiosa Marea Me Italy |
211 | Exc & CQ | 4 | Allegro Del Isola Gallinara | Di Raimondo, Monica / Di Raimondo, Monica Hengelo Netherlands |
212 | Exc & CQ | Amady Sanvita | Heinonen, Tea Vantaa Finland | |
213 | Exc & CQ | Birkeboxer Othello | Bjørkås, Wenche Vennesla Norway | |
214 | Exc & CQ | Boxertrollets Diablo | Søvdsnes, Nina Frafjord Auli Norway | |
215 | Exc & CQ | Clay Optimus Di Zara | Marcandalli, Roberto Berlin Germany | |
216 | Exc & CQ | Cum Laude V.rusticana | Fjeld, Helge Fetsund, Norge Norway | |
217 | Exc & CQ | Dahli V. Rusticana | Åhnström, Hans Tullinge Sweden | |
219 | Exc & CQ | Incognito Menulio Gatve Jr Ch | Mr. M, Dyer / Mrs. E, Dyer D17 FE86 Ireland | |
220 | Exc & CQ | Kulsvierkrogen's Capsicum | Christensen, Martin / Christensen, Jeanette Virum Denmark | |
222 | Exc & CQ | Napmary's Incredible Dream | Lisinskiene, Ruta / Lisinskas, Raimundas Raade Norway | |
223 | Exc & CQ | Navar Vavonabox | Van Duren, Rolf / Van Duren, Astrid Westervoort Netherlands | |
224 | Exc & CQ | Playbox's Redrama | Puhakka, Krista / Immonen, Hannele Heinlahti Finland | |
227 | Exc & CQ | Torro V Rusticana | Glemminge, Dag / Glemminge, Dag Gressvik Norway | |
229 | Exc & CQ | Vaya's Box Ophir Gin | Gyssels, Patrick Olen Belgium | |
230 | Exc & CQ | Zhen'lee Shanson | Beznosikova, Olga Moscow, Ul.vasiltsovsky Stan, 5-2-220 Russian Federation | |
228 | Excellent | Urban Legend's Handsome Duke | Karlsen, Therese / Bye, Lars Erik 1707 Norway | |
221 | Cancelled | Leonardo-Leo El Bosk | Vorobiova, Maryna Kiyv Ukraine | |
Judge: Alvaro Rios Izquierdo |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
Best Veteran in Show | ||||
506 | Exc & CQ | 1 | Waterloo Nostrum | Teisseyre, Joanna / Joanna, Teisseyre Gdansk Poland |
504 | Exc & CQ | 2 | Ch. Denver De Kukuarri | Villaverde Kukuarri, Jon Astigarraga Spain |
503 | Exc & CQ | 3 | Action Vom Schloss Arolsen | Lohmann, Inessa Bad Arolsen Germany |
505 | Exc & CQ | 4 | Von Ellinghaus Vincent | Olsson, Winnie Albertslund Denmark |
Judge: Jozef Šuster |
Female Brindle
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
1 | Very Promising | 1 | Almadinaks Diplomatiya | Östlund-Holmsten, Maritha Gyttorp Sweden |
5 | Very Promising | 2 | Nikita Du Royaume De Sky | Sonya, Benesperi Servian France |
7 | Very Promising | 3 | Quintessence Van Sapho's Hoeve | Weckx, Tinne Balen Belgium |
3 | Very Promising | 4 | Julia Della Casa Dell'acquario | Lindsen, Fred / Lindsen, Ria Kloosterburen Netherlands |
2 | Very Promising | Donna Prinzessin Deutsch Algar | Kjoeller Hansen, Tanja Aakirkeby Slovakia | |
4 | Very Promising | Mcrobs Miss Mercedes | Mccurdy, Sharon Stranraer United Kingdom | |
8 | Very Promising | Von Ellinghaus Nadim | Helledie Thomsen, Søren / Høygaard-Jørgensen, Anja Rebild Denmark | |
9 | Very Promising | Zhen'lee Urmita | Rautakorpi-Visakoivu, Tuija / Visakoivu, Ville-Vesa Teuva Russian Federation | |
6 | Promising | Norma Jean Du Royaume De Sky | Griffin's Sky, Scea Servian France | |
Judge: Alvaro Rios Izquierdo |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
12 | Very Promising | 1 | Curly Sue Vom Herzogtum Pommern | Klang, Nancy Grimmen Germany |
11 | Very Promising | 2 | Birkeboxer Ultra | Stålesen, Line 4200 Norway |
17 | Very Promising | 3 | Ww Yangoviper's Fairytale | Visakoivu-Nopola, Anu-Maria Tampere Finland |
14 | Very Promising | 4 | Kronion's Josephine | Hunstad, Miriam Haslum Norway |
10 | Very Promising | Andillas Isadora Duncan | Lindberg, Ann / Lindberg, Skövde Sweden | |
13 | Very Promising | Florramitz Glorie Cornelli | Gålnander Wetterholm, Ingrid Enköping Sweden | |
15 | Very Promising | Rexob Precious Heart | Nicolaysen, Mai Oslo Norway | |
16 | Very Promising | Svego Box Jdana | Guseva, S.a / Rakova, T.e. Moscow Russian Federation | |
Judge: Alvaro Rios Izquierdo |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
174 | Exc & CQ | 1 | Junior Blue Od Djevija | Boros Djevi, Danijel Subotica Serbia |
167 | Exc & CQ | 2 | Dala De Boxer De Santa Barbora | Boxer De Villa Astur, Boxer De Villa Astur Aviles Spain |
173 | Exc & CQ | 3 | Ivy Von Dem Pingstangere | Asmussen, Nicolai Viuf Denmark |
171 | Exc & CQ | 4 | Farickos Vici | Karlsson, Bengt Björkvik Sweden |
168 | Exc & CQ | Eclipse Von Nirvalis | Ullrich, Erich & Dr. Gabi Rödelsee Germany | |
169 | Exc & CQ | Enrica's Boxer Caori | Manguzzi, Christian Bomporto (Mo) Italy | |
175 | Exc & CQ | Zhen'lee Origami | Popovic, Darko Podgorica Russian Federation | |
166 | Excellent | Bella Vom Herzogtum Pommern | Dietrich, Thomas Grimmen Germany | |
170 | Excellent | Farickos Veni | Edberg, Anna Bålsta Sweden | |
172 | Cancelled | Isabella De Villa Plasan | Plaza, Roberto / Plaza, Roberto Merida Spain | |
Judge: Jozef Šuster |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
ATIBOX Junior World Winner - Female Brindle | ||||
190 | Exc & CQ | 1 | Sósrét-Menti Olimpia | Biro., Imre Füzesabony, Szentkorona Út 20/a Hungary |
188 | Exc & CQ | 2 | Sandra Boxer Caldarelli | Caldarelli, Michele Antonio Italy Italy |
178 | Exc & CQ | 3 | Demetra Del Tempio Di Zeus | Catella, Giorgia Roma Italy |
189 | Exc & CQ | 4 | Santa Clara De Los Tomeguines | Santos Silva, Rita Maria / Gonçalves Banha, Joaquim Coruche Portugal |
176 | Exc & CQ | Amber Von Der Rheinbogenperle | Van Duren, Rolf / Van Duren, Astrid Westervoort Netherlands | |
177 | Exc & CQ | Berrypets Beretta Laramie | Roovet, Kristin Tallinn Estonia | |
180 | Exc & CQ | Hi Gisele Von Usseira | Wirth, Nadja / Wirth, Nadja Leuna Ot Friedensdorf Germany | |
181 | Exc & CQ | Nellie Vom Georgengarten | Forsberg, Gunilla Bjurholm Germany | |
184 | Exc & CQ | Patrisha Suum Cuique | Herrmann, Martina Sonthofen Germany | |
185 | Exc & CQ | Peerless Pepermint No Akacisa | Rautakorpi-Visakoivu, Tuija / Hakala, Maarit Teuva Latvia | |
186 | Exc & CQ | Portofino Nostrum | F. Lund-Jensen, Susanne Holstebro Denmark | |
191 | Exc & CQ | Svego Box Vesna | H Lindström, Karin Hallstahammar Sweden | |
192 | Exc & CQ | Svego Box Vivien | Humble, Mia Eskilstuna Sweden | |
182 | Excellent | Nuggets Dizzy | Schönbeck, Teresia Bjärnum Sweden | |
187 | Excellent | Queen Fan Optica State | Van Der Veen, Onno Peter Warten Netherlands | |
193 | Excellent | Typhoon’s Muna Luna | Norgaard, Tom / Redondo, Anni Søborg Denmark | |
194 | Excellent | Vanybox's Abbigail Hugosdottir | Valvik, Nils Arve / Nyberg, Beate Skiptvet Norway | |
179 | Cancelled | Heike De Ius Natura | Csuk., Michelle Sarajevo Spain | |
183 | Cancelled | Oceania Di Casa Vernice | Di Casa Vernice, Allevamento Roma Italy | |
Judge: Jozef Šuster |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
345 | Exc & CQ | 1 | Svego Box Shakira | Linström, Karin Hallstahammar Sweden |
343 | Exc & CQ | 2 | Sat’Elit Box Yunona | Löwenhamn, Eva Åkersberga Sweden |
344 | Exc & CQ | 3 | Stylesign Alice | Kalma, Maarja / Audova, Kadri Tartu Estonia |
338 | Exc & CQ | 4 | Kronion's Gaia | Winger, Kersti Tofte Norway |
336 | Exc & CQ | Gollybox Harley Quinn of Zensin Jr Ch | Mr. M, Dyer / Mrs. E, Dyer D17 FE86 Ireland | |
342 | Exc & CQ | Rubigo Kitty Hawk | Danielsson, Åsa Stockholm Sweden | |
346 | Exc & CQ | To Be Continued Sanvita | Pogodina, Viktoria / Fedorovska, Anna Kyiv Ukraine | |
331 | Excellent | Carza Envy | Steffen Larsen, Gina / Christiansen, Mike Faxe Denmark | |
332 | Excellent | Casablanca Herkimer | Gustafsson, Elina Hamneda Sweden | |
337 | Excellent | Kascha Vom Schloß Arolsen | Klein, Ursula Sulzbach Germany | |
340 | Excellent | Penelope Van Krato's Hof | Nelis, De Sloover Belgium Netherlands | |
347 | Excellent | Uma Faustina Spalenice | Reichbauer, Jan / Vanochova, Kristina Senkvice Slovakia | |
330 | Very Good | America Of Heart By Siennabox | Van Duren, Rolf / Van Duren, Astrid Westervoort Netherlands | |
333 | Very Good | Danlow Chance Ya Luck | Lowery, John Austin / Lowery, Pamela Co Durham, England United Kingdom | |
334 | Very Good | Dea Del Tempio Di Zeus | Catella, Giorgia Roma Italy | |
335 | Very Good | Famma De La Gran Coraza | Høygaard-Jørgensen, Anja Rebild Denmark | |
339 | Very Good | Patrisha Suum Cuique | Herrmann, Martina Sonthofen Germany | |
341 | Very Good | Rubigo June Bug | Edgren, Ulrika Lidingö Sweden | |
Judge: Tuula Seppälä |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
370 | Exc & CQ | 1 | Wow Di Boxerita | Prini, Rita Gorla Maggiore Italy |
363 | Exc & CQ | 2 | Laurin's Boxer Cashira | Egeblad, Henriette / Egeblad, Henriette Greve Denmark |
355 | Exc & CQ | 3 | Engelaiz Disney | Gavelli, Emma Värnamo Sweden |
371 | Exc & CQ | 4 | Zhen'lee Venezia | Sergeev, A.p. Moscow,novosibirskaya 11-172 Russian Federation |
348 | Exc & CQ | Almadinaks Barkarolla | Härnman, Anders Linköping Sweden | |
356 | Exc & CQ | Falka Jubilee Thirty | Krull, Lene / Krull, Lise Vestbjerg Denmark | |
365 | Exc & CQ | Mythique's Cersei | Johansson, Janet Västerås Sweden | |
366 | Exc & CQ | Norma Ursatobox | Joksic, Mica 96 Serbia | |
352 | Excellent | Bricilla's Brace Height | Sundberg, Cecilia Victoria Porsgrunn Norway | |
354 | Excellent | Diadora Vom Kaiserfelsen | Dumitru, Diana Elena / Siltala, Ilkka Antero Tuusula Romania | |
357 | Excellent | Fun Nook Von Aisneren At Boxsanuk | Foster, Craig / Foster, Tracy 2Pt United Kingdom | |
367 | Excellent | Twinbox W's Vanellope | Olsson, Roland Malmö Sweden | |
369 | Excellent | Winona Di Casa Bartolini | Bartolini, Stefano Ponsacco (Pi) Italy | |
351 | Very Good | Bricilla's Anchor Point | Lunde Kristiansen, Silje Porsgrunn Norway | |
360 | Very Good | J'ayka Du Royaume De Sky | Sonya, Benesperi Servian France | |
361 | Very Good | Kärrängens Kalinka | Andersson, Elisabet / Andersson, Jan Hammarö Sweden | |
362 | Very Good | Kenlend Box Emmanuel Biar | Sergeeva, Elena Moscow, Stroykovskaya, 19-2-79 Russian Federation | |
364 | Very Good | Macchiato Nostrum | Haugen, Arne Johan / Haugen, Eva Ås Norway | |
368 | Very Good | Winnie-Wonka Vom Hause Bresicke | Hangård, Bjarne / Hangård, Bjarne Kodal Norway | |
353 | Good | Bricillas Spring Tension | Ramberg, Kerstin / Carlsson, Marcus Lit Sweden | |
359 | Good | Intense's Madison | Fjellman Larsson, Mattias Västarås Sweden | |
358 | Sufficient | Horseboxers Corona Extra | Løkken, Birgit Oppdal Norway | |
350 | Disqualified | Bora De Santa Barbora | Miñarro García, Cayetano Posada De Llanes Spain | |
349 | Cancelled | Birkeboxer Nera | Stålesen, Line 4200 Norway | |
Judge: Tuula Seppälä |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
Swedish Challenge Certificate - Female Brindle, ATIBOX World Winner - Female Brindle, Best Female in Show, Best in Show | ||||
300 | Exc & CQ | 1 | Giada Dei Centurioni | Di Nezza, Silvio Fiumicino Roma Italy |
294 | Exc & CQ | 2 | A Magic Soul | Emanuela, Cetti Rezzato-Bs Italy |
308 | Exc & CQ | 3 | Razzia Van Rusticana | Rusticus, Izak Jan Boksum Netherlands |
302 | Excellent | 4 | J'adore Von Der Martinshöhe | Lazarus, Laura / Möbus, Christian Königs Wusterhausen Germany |
295 | Excellent | Dakyra Porta Trsatica | Feige, Julia Roetgen Germany | |
296 | Excellent | Eclipse Del Cuore Grande | Joksic, Mica 96 Serbia | |
297 | Excellent | Electra Glide Z Metaboxu | Kokna, Frantisek Brno Czech Republic | |
298 | Excellent | Engelaiz Dundra | Lindström, Robert Jonsered Sweden | |
299 | Excellent | Etna De Diosa De La Aurora | Marek, Tomasz / Marek, Tomasz Markt Schwaben Germany | |
303 | Excellent | Jalaila-Dallara Vom Schloss Arolsen | Lohmann, Inessa Bad Arolsen Germany | |
304 | Excellent | Jara Von Der Calenberger Pforte | Kopac, Dana 905 Okrajova Libeznice Czech Republic | |
305 | Excellent | Kis-Bics Wiona | Veréb, Gábor / Matuszka, Dolly Kiszombor, Óbébai Utca 52 Hungary | |
306 | Excellent | Noerklit's A'mocca | Nørgaard, Helle / Olesen-Nørklit, Ida Klippinge Denmark | |
307 | Excellent | Orlindana Van De Hazenberg | Kiekens, Kurt Belgium Belgium | |
310 | Excellent | Teamwork Zahara | Sehlin, Lena / Sehlin, Håkan Ljusterö Sweden | |
311 | Excellent | Twinbox W's Sugar Rush | Wanker, Ann Yngsjö Sweden | |
301 | Cancelled | Ibiza Des Vents Du Mer | Moreno Rodriguez, Manuel 16251 Spain | |
309 | Cancelled | Seganders Paiste | Magnusson, Katarina Avesta Sweden | |
Judge: Giuseppe Marco Nugnes |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
Swedish Challenge Certificate Reserve - Female Brindle, ATIBOX Reserve World Winner - Female Brindle | ||||
327 | Exc & CQ | 1 | Venere Dei Centurioni | Catella, Giorgia Roma Italy |
315 | Exc & CQ | 2 | Giselle Vom Bruchsee | Skjershede, Didde / Skjershede, Didde Nysted Denmark |
322 | Exc & CQ | 3 | Lutine Du Val D'europe | Delattre, Christine Saint Remy La Vanne France |
324 | Exc & CQ | 4 | Rajna Von Der Burg Singidunum | Jensen, Hans Henrik / Jensen, Ruth Keller Aars Denmark |
312 | Exc & CQ | Anita | Manguzzi, Christian Bomporto (Mo) Italy | |
314 | Exc & CQ | Dorotka Ewenement | Magdziarska, Iwona Wroclaw Poland | |
316 | Exc & CQ | Handler's Pralin | Sundberg, Cecilia Victoria Porsgrunn Norway | |
318 | Exc & CQ | Indira Gala Podole | Aleksandrova, Galyna 28 Apt 10 Bratskaya Str Kyiv 04070 Ukraine | |
319 | Exc & CQ | Isadora Von Der Martinshöhe | Schulze, Mario Leipzig Germany | |
321 | Exc & CQ | Kulsvierkrogen's Chrysanthemum | Pahle, Louise Kokkedal Denmark | |
323 | Exc & CQ | Piper-Lauri Von Den Wölfen | Achterholt, Birgit Wülfrath Germany | |
325 | Exc & CQ | Team Norbox Enja | Bjoernli, Sissel Gaasbakken Norway | |
328 | Exc & CQ | Viva Vom Hause Bresicke | Bresicke, Jörg Wiedemar Ot Doberstau Germany | |
313 | Excellent | Chiara Di Casa Bartolini | Bartolini, Stefano Ponsacco (Pi) Italy | |
317 | Excellent | Hearts Of Hope's Ocean View | Asmussen, Nicolai Viuf Denmark | |
320 | Excellent | Kulsvierkrogen's Berberis | Pahle, Louise Kokkedal Denmark | |
326 | Excellent | Teamwork Ztarlet | Turesson, Kristin Rolfstorp Sweden | |
329 | Excellent | Xolani Vom Hause Bresicke | Bresicke, Jörg Wiedemar Ot Doberstau Germany | |
Judge: Giuseppe Marco Nugnes |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
372 | Exc & CQ | 1 | Alexis Von Usseira | Wirth, Nadja / Wirth, Stephan Leuna Ot Friedensdorf Germany |
373 | Exc & CQ | 2 | Bat D'anteikan | Fernandes, Paulo / Fernandes, Paulo Durrenroth Portugal |
374 | Exc & CQ | 3 | Bostobox Vanilla Sky | Grønbæk Jensen, Lone Haslev Denmark |
377 | Excellent | 4 | Iris Fan Optica State | Van Der Veen, Onno Peter Warten Netherlands |
375 | Excellent | Honeybox Famous Passion | Fredriksson, Helena Stockholm Sweden | |
376 | Excellent | Humanboxer's Femme Fatale | Winger, Kersti Tofte Norway | |
Judge: Tuula Seppälä |
Female Fawn
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
Best Baby in Show | ||||
23 | Very Promising | 1 | Nuova Dehli Del Rolanus | Crosa, Edoardo E Roberto Rondissone To Italy |
22 | Very Promising | 2 | Nikita Du Val D'europe | Medioni, Francois Saint Remy La Vanne France |
19 | Very Promising | 3 | Keve Szépe Marzia | Bedö Sándor Túrkeve Jókai Street 44 Hungary |
20 | Very Promising | 4 | Laboxro's Mocca | Bjoernli, Sissel Gaasbakken Norway |
21 | Very Promising | Naya Du Royaume De Sky | Jean Luc, Houlfort Servian France | |
18 | Cancelled | Karlita Vom Hause Rehberg | Breakspear, Christine / Powell, Anneka Gwent United Kingdom | |
24 | Cancelled | Oksana De Ius Natura | Hernandez Hernando, Rafael Tarragona Spain | |
Judge: Mathias Wolf |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
25 | Very Promising | 1 | Ability Phoenix Piperelle | Kivi-Paju, Elen / Kivi, Merike Tartu Estonia |
28 | Very Promising | 2 | Boxsanuk Aanya | Foster, Craig / Foster, Tracy 2Pt United Kingdom |
32 | Very Promising | 3 | Danuska Ewenement | Magdziarska, Iwona Wroclaw Poland |
37 | Very Promising | 4 | Natsu Du Clos Du Griffin | Antony, Ramoin Servian France |
27 | Very Promising | Boxertrollets Famous | Larsen, Trine / Hjertås, Gry-Tone Engelsviken Norway | |
29 | Very Promising | Cameron Suum Cuique | Reichbauer, Jan / Vanochova, Kristina Senkvice Slovakia | |
30 | Very Promising | Cherry Pie Boxer My Dream | Conway, Caroline / Conway, Thomas Balmullo Poland | |
31 | Very Promising | Corazon Suum Cuique | Gabrielsson Hannah Olofstorp Slovenia | |
35 | Very Promising | Kärrängens Stella Stjärnströssel | Andersson, Elisabet / Andersson, Jan Hammarö Sweden | |
36 | Very Promising | Kronion's Jeanne d'Arc | Winger, Kersti Tofte Norway | |
38 | Very Promising | Terra Nova Optima Grata | Lisinskiene, Ruta / Lisinskas, Raimundas Raade Norway | |
26 | Promising | Bebeboxer's Best Kept Secret | Dahls, Bente Vennesla Norway | |
33 | Cancelled | Dasha D'mirus Cane | Novakova, Blanka Lanskroun Czech Republic | |
34 | Cancelled | Impressive's Diva Deedee | Schwartz, Helle Ringsted Denmark | |
Judge: Mathias Wolf |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
135 | Exc & CQ | 1 | Illegally Blonde At Koppernox | Schofield, Carol Alicante Spain |
144 | Exc & CQ | 2 | Urca Delle Terre Di Sicilia | Firrigno, Giovanni / Firrigno (Di Stelacostea), Giovanni Ribera (Ag) Italy |
136 | Exc & CQ | 3 | Kaiffarin Fiorentina | Koponen, Ari Muurame Finland |
140 | Exc & CQ | 4 | O'livia De Val De Cayone | Goršić, Margareta Jurdani Spain |
139 | Exc & CQ | Nofretete Vom Schloss Arolsen | Lohmann, Inessa Bad Arolsen Germany | |
127 | Excellent | Arya Vom Hause Bresicke | Herrbach, Anja / Herrbach, Hendrik Chemnitz Germany | |
128 | Excellent | Baby Tess | Sezenias, Vasileios Saronida Greece | |
129 | Excellent | Birkeboxer Thelma | Stålesen, Line 4200 Norway | |
130 | Excellent | Caprina Darling Daphne | Öhman, Riina Siuntio Finland | |
132 | Excellent | Feminist Premia | Teisseyre, Joanna Gdańsk Poland | |
134 | Excellent | Hidanna's Box Querida Nani | Benaerens, Thomas Berlare Belgium | |
145 | Excellent | Xamba D'jandilla | Medina Medina, Jose Porreres, Islas Baleares Spain | |
131 | Very Good | Cocoon's Tic Tac Toe | Kinnunen, Kirsi / Kinnunen, Harri Valkeakoski Finland | |
137 | Very Good | Llo Llo Del Ius Natura | Moreno, Purificación 16251 Spain | |
138 | Very Good | N'jy Stones De La Croix De Cazeneuve | Brunel, Alain Rocbaron France | |
141 | Very Good | Sangreal Box Xara | Wittmer, Kurt Gudo Hungary | |
142 | Very Good | Svego Box Diva Lya Diva | Ratzmann, Katrin Heide Germany | |
143 | Very Good | The Roligans Ginger | Studsgård, Helle Gedbjerg Vojens Denmark | |
146 | Very Good | Zhen'lee Ogasta | Vasilenko, Olesya Moscow Russian Federation | |
133 | Cancelled | Happy | Lembratt, Anders / Lembratt, Madelen Kungsbacka Sweden | |
Judge: Ingrid Anderson |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
ATIBOX Junior World Winner - Female Fawn, Best Junior Female in Show | ||||
157 | Exc & CQ | 1 | Roma D'alan Box | De La Cruz, Alberto / De La Cruz, Alberto Galapagar Spain |
159 | Exc & CQ | 2 | Sat'elit Box Gold Expression | Babak, Inesa Minsk Belarus |
149 | Exc & CQ | 3 | Cleopatra De Aires Del Norte | Santos Gonzalez, Moises Aviles -Asturias Spain |
162 | Exc & CQ | 4 | Wiep Van Wordanis | ,fick, Erik Beugen Netherlands |
153 | Exc & CQ | Jir-Pia Ziga Zaga | Boada, A+P Sant Jaume De Llierca Spain | |
154 | Excellent | Midnight Star Kunningas Von Kishko | Stoboran, Florin Oradea Bulgaria | |
155 | Excellent | Nora Del Rolanus | Paterno, Alessandro Italy Italy | |
156 | Excellent | Ophinity-Box Quiqui | Tournet, Nina Merelbeke Belgium | |
158 | Excellent | Rus La Fler Cosmic Love | Lund-Jensen, Susanne F. / Lund-Jensen, Clara W. Holstebro Denmark | |
160 | Excellent | Sósrét-Menti Omnia | Biro..., Imre Füzesabony, Szentkorona Út 20/a Hungary | |
161 | Excellent | Von Ellinghaus Lotus | Andersen, Ole Asaa Denmark | |
163 | Excellent | Ww Yangoviper's Ever Say Never | Rautakorpi-Visakoivu, Tuija / Visakoivu, Ville-Vesa Teuva Finland | |
164 | Excellent | Xenne Van Rusticana | Rusticus, Izak Jan Boksum Netherlands | |
165 | Excellent | Yoga Dei Roeri | Fagoš, Robert / Fagošová, Jana Strančice Czech Republic | |
147 | Very Good | Benimit’s Lotta på Bråkmakargatan | Mella, Marcus / Thunlind, Linn Pajala Sweden | |
150 | Very Good | Highlight Van De Kroeze Danne | Koekkoek, Marja Denekamp Netherlands | |
151 | Very Good | Hjälm's Charlotte Kalla | Brattgård, Anneli Stenhamra Sweden | |
152 | Very Good | Jir-Pia Fama | Jartoft, Anne Langskov Nexø Denmark | |
148 | Good | Buffet's Chili | Foghammar-Fransson, Gunhild / Fransson, Ingemar Jönköping Sweden | |
Judge: Ingrid Anderson |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
378 | Exc & CQ | 1 | Amber Brilliance Sheyna Rave Of Hope | Karnadolina, L. Mo.schelkovo Russian Federation |
386 | Exc & CQ | 2 | My Dream Des Jardins De Passiflore | Schofield, Carol Alicante Spain |
382 | Exc & CQ | 3 | Hearts Of Hope’S Tempel Of Heaven | Sørensen, Line Jystrup Denmark |
385 | Exc & CQ | 4 | Liberum Avis Lvinaya Dolya | Selivonek, Natalia Saint-Petersburg Russian Federation |
387 | Exc & CQ | Stengårds Fly Me To The Moon | Heinonen, Tea Vantaa Finland | |
381 | Excellent | Folio Verso Gaetana | Komarova, Tatiana St. Petersburg, Irinovskiy Pr., 33/49-106 Russian Federation | |
383 | Excellent | Ipanema Girl Von Aisneren | Persson Pinon, Christel Vollsjö Sweden | |
384 | Excellent | Kylie Von Ellinghaus | Plötz, Kuno Vejbystrand Sweden | |
388 | Excellent | Tess Di Casa Bartolini | Moretti, Guja Ravenna Italy | |
389 | Excellent | Tracy Sanvita | Hesselink, J.d Finsterwolde Netherlands | |
390 | Excellent | Tsiana Neo Stellar | Zelenkova, Tatiana / Beznosikova, Olga Moscow, Ul.vasiltsovsky Stan, 5-2-220 Russian Federation | |
391 | Excellent | Vekters Mistery Woman | Persen, Gunvor / Persen, Knut Horten-Norge Norway | |
392 | Excellent | Ww Yangoviper's Can You Belive | Rautakorpi-Visakoivu, Tuija / Siren, Sandra Teuva Finland | |
394 | Excellent | Zuleika Vom Igneshof | Van Leeuwen, Marcel Voorschoten Netherlands | |
379 | Cancelled | Beatrice Del Tempio Di Zeus | Angelucci, Andrea Roma Italy | |
380 | Cancelled | Bosarawi's Roxiehr Og | Bergman, Susanna Sigtuna Sweden | |
393 | Cancelled | Zhen'lee Maranti | Serova, Liudmila Divignano Italy | |
Judge: Wenche Eikeseth |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
407 | Exc & CQ | 1 | Playbox's Golden Hope | Puhakka, Krista / Tallgren, Sari Heinlahti Finland |
395 | Exc & CQ | 2 | Ability Narnia Netty | Koponen, Ari / Mieskonen, Suvi Muurame Finland |
403 | Exc & CQ | 3 | Elle V. Rusticana | Åhnström, Hans Tullinge Sweden |
396 | Exc & CQ | 4 | Ability Noreena Noep | Kivi-Paju, Elen / Kivi, Merike Tartu Estonia |
400 | Exc & CQ | Danlow Knickerbocker Glory | Lowery, John Austin / Lowery, Pamela Co Durham, England United Kingdom | |
408 | Exc & CQ | Prizefighter's Hollywood Glam | Levin, Anna / Johansson, Camilla Oxie Sweden | |
410 | Exc & CQ | Teamwork Abra Kadabra | Östlund-Holmsten, Maritha / Holmsten, Sven E Gyttorp Sweden | |
411 | Exc & CQ | Tserera Val De Dorf | Zelenkova, Tatiana / Beznosikova, Natalia Mo, Istrinskiy R-N, D.pavlovskoe,62 Russian Federation | |
412 | Exc & CQ | Twinbox Y's Rainbow | Wanker, Ann Yngsjø Sweden | |
397 | Excellent | Ambra Del Isola Gallinara | Di Raimondo, Monica / Di Raimondo, Monica Hengelo Netherlands | |
401 | Excellent | Dunja Kamenicka | Kiekens, Kurt Belgium Serbia | |
402 | Excellent | E' Sissi Del Campo Dei Miracoli | De Berardinis, Alessandro Massa E Cozzile Italy | |
404 | Excellent | Elsa Vom Schwalbenstein | Fendl, Heinz / Alzinger, Sylvrun-Renate Garching Germany | |
406 | Excellent | Mea Lisan Van De Meerpaal | Iedema, Anny G.r. Boijl Netherlands | |
409 | Excellent | Prizefighter's We Have A Winner | Blomqvist, Åsa / Johansson, Camilla Vallentuna Sweden | |
399 | Very Good | Danedali's Alba | Norgaard, Tom / Redondo, Anni Soborg Denmark | |
405 | Very Good | Hilda Hummelbos Adelaide Hoodless | Söderström, Malin Munka-Ljungby Sweden | |
398 | Cancelled | Atinez Box Queen | Ryckewaert, Kurt Waregem Hungary | |
Judge: Wenche Eikeseth |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
Swedish Challenge Certificate Reserve - Female Fawn, ATIBOX Reserve World Winner - Female Fawn | ||||
260 | Exc & CQ | 1 | Beate De Ius Natura | Vallejo, Miguel / Slu, Ius Natura Tarragona Spain |
264 | Exc & CQ | 2 | Evil On The Ground Od Djevija | Boros Djevi, Danijel Subotica Serbia |
270 | Exc & CQ | 3 | Mafia Sanvita | Pogodina, Victoria Kulparkovska,133-8 Ukraine |
265 | Exc & CQ | 4 | Frenzi Vom Rhöner Blut | Sioen-Catteeuw, Ingmar-Alexandra Leke Belgium |
261 | Exc & CQ | Birgit De Lus Natura | Novakova, Blanka Lanskroun Czech Republic | |
272 | Exc & CQ | Roxette Del Cuore Grande | Joksic, Mica 96 Serbia | |
262 | Excellent | Cha Cha Cha Demirantxito | Climent, Picart Agusti Sant Jaume De Llierca Spain | |
263 | Excellent | Engelaiz Dizzie | Halle, Kristin Nordre Frogn Norway | |
266 | Excellent | Geovarna Vom Schloss Arolsen | Lohmann, Inessa Bad Arolsen Germany | |
267 | Excellent | Holliwood’S Dream Di Casa Vernice | Vernice, David / Vernice, Di Casa Roma Italy | |
268 | Excellent | Jalah Du Val D'europe | Medioni, Francois Saint Remy La Vanne France | |
269 | Excellent | Lila Des Parfums De Skanbergii | Bienengräber, Monika Dissen Germany | |
271 | Excellent | Monna Lisa Del Rolanus | Crosa, Edoardo E Roberto Rondissone To Italy | |
273 | Excellent | Rubigo Fly On Bonnie | Winberg, Madeleine Eskilstuna Sweden | |
274 | Excellent | Urban Legend's Hooked On A Feeling | Sterud, Hege Camilla / Nymo, Aleksander Fetsund Norway | |
275 | Excellent | Will Star Di Boxerita | Prini, Rita / Marino, Marcello Gorla Maggiore Italy | |
Judge: Tetyana Bilorus |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
Swedish Challenge Certificate - Female Fawn, ATIBOX World Winner - Female Fawn | ||||
278 | Exc & CQ | 1 | Beating Heart Vanbox | Verreva, Jolanta / Vanzha, Sergey Kechovo Slovakia |
276 | Exc & CQ | 2 | Ability Harmony Hermione | Kivi-Paju, Elen Kastre Vald, Tartumaa Estonia |
279 | Exc & CQ | 3 | Bouncyparade La Nostra Jch | Conway, C & T / Lenaerts, Edwin Balmullo United Kingdom |
281 | Exc & CQ | 4 | Evita V Rusticana | Haugen, Arne Johan / Haugen, Eva Ås Norway |
277 | Exc & CQ | Arnakkekilden's Honey Pie | Jørgensen, Camilla Tjele Denmark | |
284 | Exc & CQ | Playbox's Queen Of Hearts | Puhakka, Krista / Kokko, Minna Heinlahti Finland | |
291 | Exc & CQ | Von Ellinghaus Zafran | Bach Jensen, Heidi Randers Denmark | |
292 | Exc & CQ | Xanthe Vom Hause Bresicke | Bresicke, Jörg Wiedemar Ot Doberstau Germany | |
280 | Excellent | Engelaiz Xpectaion | Ljung, Mia Växjö Sweden | |
282 | Excellent | Heros Biscaya | Johanna Rapp, Johanna Rapp Växjö Sweden | |
285 | Excellent | Present For Me Sanvita | Pogodina, Victoria Kulparkovska,133-8 Ukraine | |
286 | Excellent | Pupil Fan Optica State | Van Der Veen, Onno Peter Warten Netherlands | |
287 | Excellent | Sangreal Box Panamera | Csia...., Gabriella Göd Hungary | |
288 | Excellent | Sat'elit Box Bomba | Pryamilova, Anna Minsk Belarus | |
289 | Excellent | Siggbergs Mythical Supernova | Johansson, Janet Västerås Sweden | |
290 | Excellent | Tango Waris Gymnema Sylvestre | Goršić, Margareta Jurdani Croatia | |
293 | Excellent | Zhen'lee Sola | Tsurkanenko, Natalia Moscow Russian Federation | |
283 | Cancelled | Kronion's Dixi Darling | Winger, Kersti Tofte Norway | |
Judge: Tetyana Bilorus |
# | Quality | P | Name of dog | Owner |
415 | Exc & CQ | 1 | Engelaiz Umbra | Mussawir, Marlene Västra Frölunda Sweden |
420 | Exc & CQ | 2 | Zhen'lee Martinika | Slepova, Anna Moscow Russian Federation |
416 | Exc & CQ | 3 | Fiola Von Den Chatos | Spelter, Wolfgang Kerpen Germany |
418 | Exc & CQ | 4 | Joliee Madison's | Dyjor, Dorota Wrocław Poland |
413 | Exc & CQ | Carza Bodil | Røgilds, Lone / Røgilds, Lone Vonge Denmark | |
414 | Exc & CQ | Dutch Diva Van Rusticana | Rusticus, Izak Jan Boksum Netherlands | |
417 | Exc & CQ | Fribox Emma Klämma | Andersson, Natalie Landskrona Sweden | |
419 | Excellent | Kulsvierkrogens Artemis | Drake, Chris M. Fredensborg Denmark | |
Judge: Wenche Eikeseth |
Result list generated on 2018-11-10 09:13:45
Copyright 2018, Svenska Boxerklubben